CAMPAIGNES YEAR 2020. COVID CAMPAIGN19 YEAR 2017. HELP CAMPAIGN FOR REPUBLIC non-payment courtRecruitmentCOMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING SECTORBANKING SECTORLegal claim for non-paymentREAL ESTATE SECTORRecruitmentFOUNDATIONAL SECTORFinancingDevelopment of objectivesCONSUMER SECTORADVICE ON BRANDS AND TRADE NAMESENVIRONMENTAL SECTORCo-auditEnvironmental Impact Assessment. FOUNDATIONAL WORK Former Head of the Department of International Relations SAR-ESPAÑA. Immediate response in the matter of catastrophes- under the auspices of AECID- and training (2009-2010) 3 International interventions in response to international catastrophesAssociate Advisor of AECRA.- Delegate, for the DR NGO "MANO A MANO", Member of the Risk and Disaster Management Forum in the Dominican Republic Country delegate K9 LLANES Direction and Execution of delivery of humanitarian and health aid, food, clothing in the Dominican Republic with the proper certificate of delivery. More than 200,000 kilos of humanitarian aid managed with an affected population target of 80,000 individuals.5 Surgical Operations RD Cardio-infantile Operation Fundación Quiéreme como Soy, referral to Spain CANINE HANDLING COURSE Coordinator SPECIALTY COLLAPSED STRUCTURES, Santo Domingo Oeste Fire Department, Dominican Republic STRENGTHENING Course Director INSTITUTIONAL RISK MANAGEMENT BEFORE CATASTROPHES IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, SPECIALTY IN RESCUE DOG HANDLES” General Coordinator of the scholarship program for studies in Spain “INTERNATIONAL K9 LLANES COOPERATION PROGRAM FOR TRAINING EXCELLENCE IN RESCUE DOG HANDLES”